Saturday, August 7, 2010

For Chelsey!!!!

So I have never ever been a very good blogger, but I have many friends that inspire me to be the blogging type. One in particular - Chelsey - is so creative and has so much to say and share. I think that I tell Mark every week that I need to blog because everyone does it - it is the "in" thing to do! Mark always emphasizes that I should do things that I love to do, not do things that everybody else loves to do just because it is popular. He has a point. Most of the time blogging seems like such a chore to me. I have not posted anything for 4 months during which so much has happened! Here is a brief list:

*Gave birth to the most handsome baby boy Lincoln
*Spent every moment of my time tending to his every needs and loving it.
* Learned to function on little to no sleep
* Took care of my other baby Mark after having back surgery and spending (count them) 6 days in the hospital in the most pain ever
*Moved out of our apartment very slowly over two months because Mark is not allowed to lift anything over 30 pounds
*Quit my job
*Attended the Greenburg Family reunion in Midway Utah followed by a week hanging out with my Mom
*My sweet husband gave Lincoln a name and a blessing the the ward that I grew up in. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard
*I am learning daily to deal with my new challenges as a wife and mother
*I have felt much guilt about not documenting this very exciting and new experience as a mother, but I can't blame myself because life has never been more challenging or busy.

So now that life has mostly settled down into a routine I have some goals including being the best mother I can be, taking up photography, decorating my new home (my MIL basement) and doing a nursery for Lincoln, making a wedding album and baby book for my boy, losing the remaining baby weight, and yes blogging. Although it is really not my favorite thing to do, it is something I want to force myself to love because another goal is to keep a journal and I think that blogging is a great way to document the day to day things that makes life so wonderful.

Finally, what is a blog post without some pictures? Boring! So here are a few pictures of Lincoln this past month. He is growing up so fast and has so much personality. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have the responsibility of being a mother to this sweet baby boy who I love soooo much!


Chelsey and Casey said...

Oh. my. goodness! That Linc is SOOOO SWEET! I can't get over how big he's getting and him in his little blessing outfit! And can I just say-- you're looking like a BABE! Your hair is darling! Okay, and about photography-- my sister and I are taking a class that is 3 nights for 3 hours each-- sept 30, oct 7, and oct 14 from 6 to 9 pm. You should come!!! I think we'll be able to learn a lot! I miss you like ca-raaazy! We'll have to come to Golden in the next few weeks and go to dinner!

Megano said...

oh my he is such a little sweetie!!!!! He's gotten so big already. FREAK Gianni needs to hurry up and get here!!!!