Wednesday, January 19, 2011

9 months

Today little Lincoln is 9 months old. I really can't believe how fast he is growing up! I have been thinking all day about how long 9 months felt when I was pregnant - it felt like FOREVER! These past 9 months with Lincoln have come and gone in the blink of an eye. I just wish I could slow time down. Mark and I are so thankful that Heavenly Father gave us the responsibility to care for and teach Lincoln. He is the sweetest little guy - so easy going, curious, and happy. I wish I could re-live these past 9 months all over again because loving this little baby is so easy.

By the way at 9 months Lincoln . . .

*finally has hair - dirty blonde, although he still looks bald from a distance

*uses a sippy cup at meal time - gets a bottle before naps and bedtime - speaking of bedtime, he is a really good sleeper. He takes two good naps and sleeps from about 6:30 pm to 5am, then up for a quick bottle and back to bed for another 2 hours.

*tries to feed himself finger food - sometimes with success

*is a vegetarian - LOVES apples, peaches, pears, pumpkin, prunes, green beans, peas, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes. He also enjoys yogurt, rice, oatmeal, and puffs!

*is a super speedy crawler and can walk up to 15 steps in a row and sometimes runs when his walking gets a little out of control. He practices walking all day long and his mom and dad can hardly keep up with him.

*is very curious and loves to explore. He gets into everything!

*laughs a lot! Loves to play peek-a-boo, be thrown in the air, and hang upside down.

*loves people and is not shy at all.

*is ticklish on his neck, back, chest, and feet.

*has two teeth, barely.

*enjoys blowing raspberries and drooling everywhere.

*weighs 19 lbs 11 oz , 28 inches tall - all in the 40th percentile.

*likes swimming and sitting in the hot tub.

*can't sit still during church.

*loves his toys and his new favorite is a pot lid that he push around the kitchen.

*is pretty much the coolest, cutest kiddo around - in the opinion of his mom and dad!


Megano said...

Oh I love this post and this little boy. He is so darn cute, and he's getting so stinkin big!!! Love him. No big deal that he's 5 months older than G love and he is weighing in 1 pound more... hmm:)
Love all the stuff he's doing. It just makes me so excited for G to grow, even though it makes me sad at the same time.

Gina said...

So fun to read that. He sure is a cute guy.

The homestead said...

Love the new pictures. We miss you. Lincoln is so cute!