So it is Mother's Day again. I have to say that Mother's Day has not been the best holiday for me. I have been a mother for 2 Mother's Days now and they both have not been the best. Last year I was in a lot of pain from giving birth to little Lincoln (I sound like a big wimp because he was 3 weeks old, but I vividly remember the pain on this day last year). I am pretty sure I had ran out of my prescription for Percocet. It was an easy labor and delivery, but a tough recovery. This year it looked like Mother's Day was going to be great, but last night Lincoln decided to remind me that my job is never-ending! It is 24 hours a day! He was up from 1 am until 6 am moaning and crying. He has a cold and is cutting a tooth. Maybe the 3rd time is the charm? Despite it all, being a mom really is the BEST!

He is so cute! and you look beautiful!
um, I think we need some pictures of your house now.
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